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Why Create?

As I lay in bed awaiting my 1 year olds usual wake up at 11pm, i figure ill post the first blog to why this site even exists.

I don't claim to be a writer, nor will i even claim to be an artist. I am simply a mother who has invested in art enough to have the ability and courage to create. That isn't why i create though. I create for my 11pm alarm clock.

my family is young. I want to invest in us. I want to show my child that no matter what your talents may be, you can always find use for them. I may not bring in enough to have a down payment on a house, but what i do bring in will help nourish my family.

I never imagined I would invest in myself enough to get here. Yet, with the help from sweet supporters and the blessing of my child. I am here and I am ready to create.

So with this I publish my first blog ever. hope you made it to this point, this blog is super long ;). my posts will cover the lessons I will undoubtedly learn on this road and I won't lie... will hold some ramblings about my family.

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